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What is Homeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a simple, non-toxic, cost effective form of therapy that has been used by billions of people throughout the world for over 200 years. There is a considerable amount of supporting evidence to substantiate its efficacy. It was painstakingly developed in Germany by a brilliant medical doctor Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. When his children became ill, he refused to use the barbaric treatments of his time to treat them. He noted that often the treatment causes more harm than good and was determined to find a form of medicine that was curative. 



The law of similars. 

The law of similars or ‘like cures like’, which means, a substance capable of producing symptoms in a healthy person, if given in a material dose, can cure similar symptoms in a sick person when taken in minute, nano-doses . Dr. Hahnemann and many others since have done multiple experiments that prove this to be true.


Minimum Dose

The ‘law of minimum dose’ urges us to use the smallest dose necessary to effect a cure.



Homeopathic medicines are diluted and made more effective by  processes called potentisation. Titration and dilution along with succussion creates a nanodose which is materially imperceptible yet very powerful. In can be likened to the way a materially imperceptable act of splitting the nucleus of an atom leads to a very powerful atomic explosion. 


Homoeopathic Methods

In an acute case, the presenting complaint and the nature of its symptoms is mainly considered to make a prescription.  The circumstances that may have contributed to the acute episode and what makes it better or worse is also considered.


The cornerstone of homeopathic prescription is individualization. In more chronic cases, every homoeopathic medicine is prescribed based on the specific needs of a particular person. The homoeopath takes a detailed case history that includes the chief complaint, mental and emotional state, appetite, desire, aversion, seasonal preference, childhood and past history, sleep pattern, dreams, any associated complaints etc. for a chronic case.


It is better to have your chronic/constitutional case taken before you may need to have acute treatment. It helps the homeopath better hone in on what will better work for you in an acute situation. 


Homoeopathic Philosophy

Why do some people get sick when exposed to a presumed pathogen and some people don't? Why do some people get heart disease, others cancer, yet others eczema. Predisposition to disease arises from multiple factors such as physical weakness, environment, psychological imbalance, stress, heredity etc.  Homoeopathic treatment works in synergy with the body’s own healing response to bring about optimum state of health and wellbeing. Therefore, a well-selected homoeopathic medicine enhances an individual’s self-curative mechanism in both acute and chronic disease states.


Scope of Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is effective in a spectrum of diseases ranging from common cold to the most difficult chronic conditions, allergies, neurological and autoimmune disorders, psychiatric diseases, depression, anxiety, autism, epidemics and more.  Homoeopathic treatment is safe and effective at any age starting from a newborn to geriatric population. In addition to human beings, homoeopathy is equally effective in animals and plants.


Homoeopathic treatment not only addresses the current symptoms the patient is suffering from, but also, removes the tendency to similar occurrences in the future. Treatment with homoeopathy is rapid and gentle, without any long-term dependence on the medicines.


Homoeopathy's Presence in Our World

Homoeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world according to World Health Organization. Over 200 million people use homoeopathy worldwide with the largest number of users and practitioners in India. In addition to India, countries such as Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Pakistan have homoeopathic medicines in their national healthcare system.

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